fnirsr - An R package to analyse ETG-4000 fNIRS data

As I mentioned in my previous post, I am trying to get my head around analysing fNIRS data collected using Hitachi ETG-4000. The output of a recording session with ETG-4000 can be saved as a raw csv file (see the example). This file seems to be pretty straightforward to parse: the top section is a header, and raw data starts at line 41.

I created a set of basic R functions that can deal with the initial stages of the analysis and I wrapped them in an R-package. It is still a very early alpha (or rather pre-alpha), as the documentation is still sparse and no unit tests were made. I only have several raw csv files and they seemed to work fine with my functions but I’m not sure how robust they are.
Anyway, I think it will be useful to release it even in the early stage and work on the functions as time goes by.

The package can be found on GitHub and it can be installed with the following command:


A vignette (Rmd) is here.

HTML vignette:

I couldn’t find any other R packages that would deal with these files so feel free to contact me if you work(ed) on something similar. Pull requests are encouraged.